Scott Snow

has been working successfully in the arts for over 40 years.  His work has included private commissions, portraits, assignments from publishers and corporate institutions including major religious works for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon).

His commissions hang in private collections and institutions including Franklin Covey, James Gartner Films, Bonneville International, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in visitor centers, meeting houses and temples, NuSkin, Keith Merrill Films, and many others.

His illustration clients have included many of the world’s largest publishers including Scholastic, Harcourt  Brace, Kirchoff Wohlberg, ChildCraft, Time Warner, Harper Collins, and others.

He has received the nation’s top award for courtroom art coverage and has sketched in many famous trials.  He is a longtime member of the New York Society of Illustrators, has taught illustration on a college level, and has been a higher education art curriculum program adviser.

Scott works in a variety of styles and mediums  including oils, acrylics, pencil, and pastels.

M   E   M   B   E   R     —     N   E   W      Y   O   R   K      S   O   C   I   E   T   Y      O   F      I   L   L   U   S   T   R   A   T   O   R   S      •       N   A   T   I   O   N   A   L   L   Y      H   O   N   O   R   E   D 

Reproduction or use of any image without express written permission is prohibited.  All rights reserved.  © Scott Snow Fine Art 2022